4 Tips to get started with coding.

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4 Tips to get started with coding.

Pick a language and stick to it The first thing you need to do is pick a language. There are a huge number of different languages to choose from and at a fundamental level they're all the same. The difference is in the syntax and the intended use case.

Learn your language
Once you've picked a language, you can start learning. There are a large number of differen ways to learn any language, some of which include:
 1.Watch tutorials on Youtube
 2.Read a book
 3.Find online tutorials

Work on projects
It is vital that you get experience with your chosen language, and it is very important that you start investing time on more and more projects and once you got moderate amount of experience then real world experience is the only way that you'll be able
to continue improving.

Be consistent, be committed
You're not going to get better by dreaming. You need to dedicate some time at a regular  interval (every day few hours) and then  spend that time learning.

Wrap up
l t ta kes a lot of ti me a n d co m m itme nt to become a programmer, but if you're willing to dedicate that then everything else will  follow in due time.Any progress is good progress, be proud of it.


So thats what I wanted to share with you guys 👦

And thank you for your time and support.

I wish you guys to enjoy your journey.

Also don't hesitate to share this post with your interested ones.


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