How to improve logic in programming

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Hello everyone 👋 welcome back. Today i wanted to share with a very short post but very important and in this short post 

I want to  help you with programming logic. So Lets get Started on how you can improve your logical thinking in programming.

The practice is a crucial part of our
life. If we want to have a better command overany thing, then we need to practice the same thing again and again.

2. Think to solve 
If you think that you can't do it. Then no one else can help you to develop your logic.

3. Learn about data structures.
If you get a better command over tha data structure of programming language' then you can quickly improve your programming logic for that language.

4. Learn programming paradigms
One of the most popular programming paradigms is object-oriented programming The programming paradigms also works as the blueprint.

5.Design patterns.
The design pattern also helps you to solve your logical thinking in programming. with the help of these design patterns, you can solve the most complicated Problem cleanly and most directly.


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