Responsive Upload Button With Pop Up Message Using html css javascript

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How to create Responsive Upload Button With Pop Up Message Using html css javascript

Hi there😊 i hope you guys having a nice day.
Today we are going to creat something epic
We want to creat how to make upload button with pop up Message Using Only html Css, So let's feel the deference.


Html Code

 <! DOCTYPE html/>




 Upload </title >


 rel= "stylesheet"

 type=" text/css "

 href="style.css" />


 function myFunction()

 alert("VIdeo Uploaded

 Successfully .. !! ");


 <div class="container">

 <input type="file" class="upload"/>


 <button class="button"







Css Code



 background-color :






 margin-top: 20%;

 margin-left: 30%;




 .container .upload



 font-family: poppins ,

 border-radius: 25px;

 border: lpx solid black;

 box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px black;

 outline: none;





 color: white;

 background-color: bl.ack;

 padding: 20px;

 border: none;

 border: 25px;

 box-shadow: lpx O lpx lpx 


 transition: all 0.35 ease;

 cursor: pointer;



 :: -webkit-file-upload-button : hover

 { background-color: #ff4c29;

 color: black:





 border: none;

 color: white;

 width: 20%;

 padding: 15px 32px;

 text-align: center;


 display: inline-block;


 margin: 4px 2px;

 margin-left: 5%;

 border-radius: 25px;

 cursor: pointer;

 transition: at1 0.35 ease;

 box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px black;


Javascript Code


 function myFunction()

 alert("VIdeo Uploaded

 Successfully .. !! ");


/* /*

Thank you for your reading.



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